Amman Stock Exchange is one of the best and most powerful
trading interface that makes use of recent technologies to operate.
It can be used to trade solo or on your mobile phone because the app gets rid of the need of an intermediary.
You do not need any human service to trade with this app and all your trading transactions are done based on real-time prices during the market hours.
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Choose Rum Invest and begin a journey of investments.

1 – Does Jordan have a stock market?
Rumi2022-03-26T01:33:41+03:00Yes, Jordan has a stock market. Listed stocks are traded on the “Amman Stock Exchange”, which was founded in 1999 and is authorized to function as a market for trading securities in the country.
2 – Can you trade stocks in Jordan?
Rumi2022-03-26T02:08:34+03:00You can trade global stocks with Rum Invest through Metatrader5 and Rum Trader web and app as well as local stocks listed on the “Amman Stock Exchange” through the Rum Invest ASE Trader. .
3 – How to buy stocks in Jordan?
Rumi2022-03-26T01:38:30+03:00All you need to do is open an account with Rum Invest and request access to the Rum Invest ASE Trader to trade local stocks. You can do so by visiting
4 – Is offline trading available?
Rumi2022-03-26T02:07:37+03:00Trading in the local stock market is available through the app and offline through your broker. To place orders, please call +962 6 520 1233
More About Us
Rum Invest is an international online trading company that offers financial services in various financial markets. It is authorized and regulated by the Jordanian Securities Commission in various financial jurisdictions. It was launched around 2003 and has won thousands of people over by its stability, growth and trading prowess.